Saving an animal may not change the world, but for that one animal the world is forever changed

We compiled a list of positive trainers in our adoption area, highlighting some of our trainers of choice that we work with regularly.
If you are a positive trainer and wish to be added to this list, please email us at foreverchangedar@gmail.com so we can learn more about your training programs.
Montgomery County
*Trainers of choice are designed with asterisk *4 On the Floor Dog Training & Behavior Consulting Kelly Citrin, CPDT-KA, FFCP, FDM Rockville/North Bethesda, MD www.4onthefloor.dog Behavior United Jackie Moyano, CPDT-KA, PMCT, SAPro Silver Spring, MD https://www.behaviorunited.com/ Capitol Area Dog Training and Behavior Consulting Dianna Stearns Germantown https://capitoltrainingandbehavior.com/ Come When Called Dog Training Alfhild Winder, CPDT-KA Bethesda, MD https://www.comewhencalled.com/ Dances with Dogs Brittany Fulton, CTC Silver Spring, MD www.dancesdogs.com Foley’s Dog Training E. Foley, CPDT-KA Burtonsville, MD www.foleysdogtraining.com Good Pets Debbie Nathanson, CPDT-KA Rockville, MD https://www.goodpets.biz/ Heart’s Content Dog Training Veronica Beman, KPA-CTP Rockville, MD https://www.heartscontentdogtraining.com/ High Five Dog Training Gabriela Hubbard, CBCC-KA CPDT-KA Silver Spring, MD www.highfivedogtraining.com Infinite-Dog Robin Shepherd, CPDT-KA Rockville, MD https://infinite-dog.com/ Laughing Dog Academy Sarah Stoycos, KPA-CTP Rockville, MD http://www.laughingdogacademy.com/ Paw Prints University Lindsey Paige, CPDT-KA Silver Spring, MD https://www.pawprintsaroundtown.com/ Pawz for Health Janet Oquendo Potomac https://www.pawzforhealth.net/ Rollins Family Dog Training Rachel Rollins, KPA-CTP Bethesda, MD https://rollinsdogtraining.com/ Urban Canine Jessica Remi Lamb, CPDT-KA Gaithersburg, MD www.urbancaninetraining.com Woodside TTouch Pam Wanveer Silver Spring, MD www.woodsideTTouch.com Your Dog’s Friend Multiple Trainers Rockville, MD https://yourdogsfriend.org/
Baltimore/ Baltimore County
*Trainers of choice are designed with asterisk Adventure Dogs Academy Laurie Corak (she/her), CPDT-KA, FFCP, FPPE Hydes, MD www.adventuredogsacademy.com/ Baltimore k9 Tutors Hannah Sigel, IAABC-ADT Baltimore, MD www.Baltimorek9Tutors.com The Canine Clique Debbie Shepardson, ABCDT Reisterstown, MD www.thecanineclique.com Dog Crazy Lady Tanzi Leary, CDBC, CPDT-KA, PMCT1, SAPT, FFCP Baltimore, MD www.dogcrazylady.com Humane Domain Debbie Winkler, CPDT-KA, CABC Owings Mills, MD www.humanedomain.net Olive Branch Dog Training Olivia Bainter, CPDT-KA Owings Mills, MD www.olivebranchdogtraining.com Oscar Winning Behavior Amie Glasgow, CDBC, ADT, CCUI, FDM, CSAT, FSG-I Baltimore, MD www.oscarwinningbehavior.com WeiserWays Dog Training Arrow Weiser, MA Baltimore, MD www.weiserwaystraining.com
Howard/ PG/ Carroll County
*Trainers of choice are designed with asterisk Canine Humane Network Highland, MD www.caninehumane.org/training Canine Lifestyle Academy Meghan Burton Eldersburg, MD http://caninelifestyleacademy.com/ Coventry School for Dogs & Their People Elisabeth Catalano, CPDT-KA, CDBC Vincent Catalano, CNWI, CPDT-KA, CDBC Columbia, MD www.thecoventryschool.com Like Magic Dog Training Liz Cummins, CPDT-KA, FFCP Ellicott City, MD www.likemagicdogtraining.com My Fantastic Friend Jessica Ring, CPDT-KA, CTC, PCBC-A, PMCT, SA Pro Trainer Virtual www.myfantasticfriend.com My K9 Buddy Marta Coursey Westminster, MD https://myk9buddy.net/ Play & Train Dog Behavior Jen Boyd-Morin, CPDT-KA, PMCT1, FFCP Laurel, MD www.playandtraindogs.com Social Tailwaggers Jody Broughton, CPDT-KA Laurel, MD www.socialtailwaggers.com Train My Dog and Me Sam Matlick Mount Airy, MD http://www.trainmydogandme.com Unleashed Joy Beth Joy Woodstock, MD http://www.unleashedjoy.com/ WiggleButts Dog Training Tammy Tucker, CPDT-KA, CNWI, CTDI Eldersburg, MD www.wigglebuttsdog.com
Upper Montgomery/ Frederick
*Trainers of choice are designed with asterisk Canine Character Kim Yocklin, CPDT-KA Frederick, MD https://www.caninecharacter.com/ Canine Lifestyle Academy Meghan Burton Union Bridge, MD https://caninelifestyleacademy.com/ Dog Eared Training & Behavior Bethany Poese, CPDT-KA, KPA CTP New Market, MD https://dogearedtraining.com/ FitHound Puppy & Dog Training Cari Messick Reed, CPDT-KA Frederick, MD https://www.fithound.com/ GR8K9s Chris Bevillard, CPDT-KA, ACDBC Mt Airy, MD https://gr8k9s.com/ Unleashed Joy Beth Joy, CPDT-KA. PMCT Mt Airy, MD https://www.unleashedjoy.com/ Smart Dog University Laurie Luck, KPA CTP Mt Airy, MD https://smartdoguniversity.com/
Annapolis/ Anne Arundel County
*Trainers of choice are designed with asterisk Dog Only Knows Behavior & Training Alexis Bond, CPDT-KA, PMCT Annapolis, MD https://dog-only-knows.com/ Humane Canine Training Phyllis Saroff, CPDT-KA, PMCT Annapolis, MD https://humanecaninetraining.com/ Pawsitive Behavior Solutions, LLC Rachel Ash Annapolis, MD https://pawbehaviorsolutions.com/ See Spot Grin Cindy Knowlton Millersville, MD https://www.seespotgrin.com/ You Silly Dog LLC Alisa Peters Pasadena, MD http://www.yousillydog.com/
Harford County
*Trainers of choice are designed with asterisk Plum Point Pooch Maria Montgomery, CPDT-KSA Aberdeen, MD https://www.plumpointpooch.com/ *Polite Pooches Positive Dog Training Kathy Forthman, CPDT-KA Forest Hill, MD https://www.politepooches.com/
Hagerstown/ Hedgesville WV
*Trainers of choice are designed with asterisk 4 Legged Friends Pet Service Katie Ervin Hagerstown, MD http://www.4-leggedfriendspetservices.com/ Atta Pup! Laura Nalven Hagerstown, MD https://www.attapuptraining.com/ Be Pawsitive Karol Kennedy Hagerstown, MD http://www.bpwsitv.com/ Happy Hound Training Jill Freifeld Hedgesville, WV https://www.happyhoundtraining.com/ *Peaceable Paws Pat Miller, CPDT-KA, CDBC Fairplay, MD https://peaceablepaws.com/
Eastern Shore/ Talbot County/ Delaware
*Trainers of choice are designed with asterisk Dogs Behaving Better Lisa Benshoff Easton, MD https://www.dogsbehavingbetter.com/ Kissable Canine Lisa Tudor, CPDT-KA Lewes, DE (Eastern Shore) https://kissablecanine.com/ Smart Pups Canny Canine In Training Amanda Abresch Fruitland, MD https://www.yoursmartpup.com/ Talbot TTouch llc/Dogs Behaving Better Lisa Benshoff, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA Easton MD www.dogsbehavingbetter.com
Southern MD
*Trainers of choice are designed with asterisk Calvert Dog Academy Deanna Russell South Calvert https://calvertdogtraining.com/locations/south-calvert-county-dog-training/ Dogboy Dog Training Brian Markowich Leonardtown, MD https://www.dogboytraining.com/ Think Like a Dog Donna M Poudrier Lexington Park, MD http://www.thinklikeadog.us/ Dog Done Good Holly Santana & Nicki Messano Westchester County https://dogdonegood.com/ Wag Workshops Southern Maryland www.wagworkshops.org